
How i became suchithra

How I became suchithra

I was born in Alappuzha Dist, Kerala, as the younger of two girls. Both my parents were govt. Employees. When I was 12 yrs old, during the vacation, I was alone in the home. For just fun, I tried to wear my elder sister bra & panties and I was so excited. Feeling a strong urge from inside, I shaved my moustache & my whole body. Then I got an old frock of my younger sister. I wore all the dresses - bra, panties, shimmy, petticoat & finally frock. I tied a towel over my head, applied makeup & ornaments of my sisters. Then I stood watching my fem beauty for hours, in front of the mirror- swaying sideways and  behaving  in the ladies style. It was the birth of Suchithra - my fem side (and my reality).
Slowly cding became my passion. Gradually I made a good collection of dresses, makeups, wigs, ornaments etc. (You can see them in my photos). My room on the first floor of home was Suchi”s paradise. Mostly I slept in girls dresses.
After I got job in a public sector utility, I was posted at Kozhikode, Kerala, nearly 300kms from home. I took suchi”s luggage secretly to Kozhokode. In the quarters, I was Suchi all the time. After office work, when I come to my quarters, I will take a quick bath, & will put on Suchi’s dresses. The frequent cding made my mind think differently. Why this hideout? Why cant I be Suchithra the rest of my life? These questions haunted me for several days. After serious thought, I approached a famous Psychiatrist in Kozhikode town. He listened to me patiently. He said –“ You should ether be yourself, or you should become Suchithra, The decision is yours”. This lead me to a very tough & risky decision.
The next day, I went to consult a famous maxillofacial & plastic surgeon- Dr. Das I had earlier read news of “Sexual Re-assignment surgery” done successfully by him. After listening to my dilemma, he said – “It seems that you have a great urge to have a feminine body. But that does not complete everything. You should lead the real life of a woman, for at least four months,  before u can have the surgery.  I readily agreed. But I begged the doctor to help me for creating a situation for this tough task.
After some thinking, he suggested  - “As u have an Engg. Diploma in hand, u can study for B.E. I know the Principal of Nehru College of Engg (for Women), Kozhikode. OK. Let me see”. After 2 days, he phoned me,- “Suchi, u have good luck. U should come with ur certificates to my home in the evening, & remember – not as a boy, as Suchi. I was slightly frightened, but also excited. In the doctor”s home, he introduced me to another man-Mr. Ramesh. He took my photos and collected my certificates. The doctor gave me some lotions, face creams ( to prevent hair growth) & tonic (for Suchi”s body) and gave necessary instructions. The next evening, he gave edited, but really true-looking certificates of Suchi. I got the cfts with trembling hands & tears in my eyes.

The next day, Dr. Das, Mr. Ramesh & me went to the college. The doctor introduced me as the only daughter of Mr.Ramesh, a rich business man. After the office procedures, I was admitted. I was also admitted to the ladies hostel. In my room, there were 2 others –sucy & Ramya.

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